
Dear who has booked and planning to come to our performance,
In these days with changing situation of worldwide Corona virus infection, we have been preparing our measures to prevent infection during our performance, such as to decrease the numbers of audience greatly.
Therefore, considering the current situation especially spread of infection in Tokyo, we have reached our decision
that this situation is already out of our handle.
This is truly a hard decision to make, but we cancel our performance Labyrinth Legend on April 10th, 11th and 12th.
Because of using a small theater, we concerned to be in the situation which is difficult to keep our audience in safe environment.
We truly appreciate and apologize for those who has booked while carrying anxiety.
We are thinking this postponement for developing this piece in a good environment and surely to perform it.
We would very much appreciate your supports.
All the parties involved in Labyrinth Legend
上杉満代舞踏公演 Mitsuyo Uesugi Butoh Performance 『迷宮伝説』 Labyrinth Legend 失ワレシ楽園 否 ワタシハ夢想ヲ耽溺スル者デ有ル Paradise Lost, denied, I am still drowning reverie 構成・演出 上杉満代 Composition/Direction | Mitsuyo Uesugi 舞踏者 上杉満代 高松真樹子 山本むつみ Butoh | Mitsuyo Uesugi, Makiko Takamatsu, Mutsumi Yamamoto 照明 宇野敦子 Lighting technical | Atsuko Uno 音響 ねいろ Sound technical | Neiro 音楽 曽我傑 Music | Masaru Soga
舞台監督 呂師 Stage manager | Roshi ■会場 テルプシコール 【東京都中野区中野3-49-15 1階】 Venue | TERPSICHORE 3-49-15(1F) Nakano, Nakano, Tokyo http://www.studioterpsichore.com/access.html ■2020年4月10日(金) 開演 19:00 11日 (土) 19:00 12日 (日) 17:00 *開場は開演の20分前となります *誠に恐れ入りますが、新型コロナウィルス対策の為、ご予約を各回50名様に限定させて頂きます。定員になり次第、予約受付を終了致します。現在のところ、当日現在の配布は未定です。随時報告いたします。 10(Fri) / 4 / 2020 Start 19:00 11(Sat) 19:00 12(Sun) 17:00 *Door open 20 minutes before. ■料金 予約 3.000円 当日 3.200円 Charge | 3,000 Yen (in advance) 3,200 Yen ( at the door) ■予約・問い合わせ/Booking/Question infomitsuyouesugi@gmail.com (高松/Takamatsu) フルネーム、日付、予約人数をご記載の上、上記メールアドレスへ送信願います。 Please write your full name, date and number of tickets. 【チラシ表面図】 『夢の宇宙誌』澁澤龍彦著 美術出版社(1964年初版 裏表紙 図版より) Graphic on the front page |From the back cover of [Cosmographia Fantastica](The first edition in 1964) Author Tatsuhiko Shibusawa, published by Bijutsu shuppan-sha 【チラシ裏面図】 画: 上杉満代 1968年「イヴ EVE 」 Graphic on the back page | [EVE] (1968) painted by Mitsuyo Uesugi